February 18, 2025
AdAgrA Conference 2025: Growing Better
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Yes, that's right. AudioVerse turns two years old today, Monday, October 22. And we sure do have a treat for you! Announcing...
What a perfect time it is to introduce this major new expansion in AudioVerse's offerings. We have assembled a whole new website dedicated to doing the same thing with video as AudioVerse does with audio. We already have a 26-episode evangelistic series posted, with much more to follow in the coming weeks and months. Enjoy!
Of course, we couldn't let this date go by without sharing how God has blessed this little website. The word has spread like wildfire. All we're really doing is gathering sermon recordings and uploading them to a web server, but God takes it from there. Traffic has truly expanded far beyond our expectations. In the last two years, we've seen over 3.25 Terabytes of sermon downloads, which equates to about 285,000 individual downloads, or one download for every 50 members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church worldwide! There have been downloads from over 48 countries, representing every inhabited region of the globe including China and the Middle East. Our sermon archive has over tripled in size, and our backlog is just about as large as the number of sermons we've already released! (We're working to reduce that...)
And with all this, our website traffic continues to rise. In recent months, there have been about 5,000 different visitors every month, and we've gone for weeks at a time with over 1,000 sermon downloads per day. As far as we know, we are now the largest distributor of free Seventh-day Adventist MP3 sermon recordings in the world! (Or at least we're one of the largest.)
What thrills our hearts the most, however, is the feedback we are getting. Two or three times a week, we receive comments about how much people are being spiritually edified by AudioVerse. Praise God!!! And for every person who does send feedback, we know there are many others who are silently having the same experience.
As with last year's birthday announcement, we conclude with a challenge. Do you know Jesus? Is He your personal friend, confidant, counselor, and King? Is He to you the chiefest among ten thousand, and altogether lovely? He loves you with an everlasting love, and He longs to call you His child. He longs to teach you how to live a happy and health life on this Earth, and to prepare you to spend eternity with Him. He longs to use you to demonstrate His love to all the world, and to help prepare the way for His soon return. All it takes is surrender. Do you hear His voice?
He's waiting.