February 18, 2025
AdAgrA Conference 2025: Growing Better
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Earlier this year, I shared the story with you of how AudioVerse played a part in Pastor Richard becoming a Seventh-day Adventist from being a Methodist minister.
I also met a young lady from Indonesia who was struggling with health challenges and an uncertain future for her career. The messages from AudioVerse not only led her to find peace and surrender in Jesus, but also mentors from AMEN that have encouraged her on her journey.
There’s also the young man from Latin America who taught himself English by listening to AudioVerse sermons every single day on his commute and in all his free time. He was able to share his testimony with me in perfect English, and more importantly, he was on fire for Jesus because of all the messages he had heard!
We also hear from the lonely missionaries who find in AudioVerse their connection to their church family back home and a source of refreshment while they pour themselves out in service.
There’s also the frazzled homeschool mom who can’t find uninterrupted time to sit and read the Bible for herself but can listen as she cleans or drives.
Just about everywhere I’ve traveled I’ve heard from people who appreciate how AudioVerse helps them go to sleep at night! What better way to end the day and to drift off to sleep than with the Word of God in our ears?
These are just a few anecdotes of how AudioVerse has been a blessing to others, and what struck me was how diverse and unique each of these experiences were. From different parts of the globe, at all hours of day or night, each person was touched by the Spirit in their tailored and personal way. Such is the personal God that we serve.
In enlightening and confirming souls in the truth the publications will do a far greater work than can be accomplished by the ministry of the word alone. The silent messengers that are placed in the homes of the people through the work of the canvasser will strengthen the gospel ministry in every way; for the Holy Spirit will impress minds as they read the books, just as He impresses the minds of those who listen to the preaching of the word. The same ministry of angels attends the books that contain the truth as attends the work of the minister. 6T 315.4
While this testimony was written about the printed page, the principle can also apply to digital media that’s delivered through ministries like AudioVerse.
Instead of a printed book sitting on the shelf, it may be a sermon on the phone in their pocket. The Holy Spirit can impress a mind to open an app just as easily as he can impress someone to open a book. And the same ministry of angels attends those listening to a sermon on their device as attends the work of the minister! We see this very truth in action through the testimonies from our listeners!
The power of God’s Word has not diminished since the days of the prophets. The methods of delivering that Word may have changed through the ages, but the potency of the Word remains undiluted.
Thus, the work of AudioVerse is to spread the Word. Not merely to get these silent messengers of God’s Word into each home, but into each pocket!
As we come to the close of 2024, there is still time to give toward this important work. If you would like to help reach more people with the Word of God in 2025, to allow more of these “silent messengers” to find their way onto more devices in more pockets, and to help the Everlasting Gospel make a deeper impact—join us by giving a gift today!
AudioVerse is a ministry supported entirely through the sacrificial giving of our financial partners. Your gift is what enables this work to continue and to allow our influence to reach people who have no means to give. Please prayerfully consider what the Lord may be impressing you to give toward this work today.
To give, visit our donate page or you may give by check to our address below. If you would like to give by credit card but are concerned about transaction fees, you may consider giving through PayPal Giving Fund instead.
Thank you and may God bless you in the new year!
Alistair Huong
Executive Director